Billie Eilish
Hit Me Hard And Soft: The Tour 2025

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Book tickets now for the Billie Eilish concerts 2025 in Germany!

Be there live when Billie Eilish stops in the German cities of Hanover, Berlin and Cologne, as well as the Austrian capital Vienna, on her world tour "Hit Me Hart And Soft".
With the music of her new album "Hit Me Hard Soft", which will be released on May 17, 2024, the American will go on tour in North America and Australia before giving concerts in Europe.

Tickets from Tix & Travel - pure entertainment at the "Hit Me Hart And Soft": The Tour 2025 in Hanover, Berlin, Cologne and Vienna by Billie Eilish

Experience Billie Eilish live on site with Tix & Travel

Be there when two-time Oscar winner Billie Eilish performs the music from her last two studio albums "When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?" and "Happier Than Ever" as well as the songs from the recently announced album "Hit Me Hart And Soft".
With her first single "Ocean Eyes" in 2016, the then 15-year-old Billie Eilish landed her first global hit and was also very successful with her subsequent singles.

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