The customer can request an offer by telephone, in writing, by fax, by email, using the request form on the website or in person in our store (legal notice) . The customer will receive an offer from us promptly by email and, upon request, in writing. The customer can reject or accept this offer. The offer is deemed to be accepted if the customer agrees to a purchase by telephone, in writing, by fax, by email or in person in our store. Consent is given by filling out and signing the order form. The order form can be filled out by email, by post or in person in our store and then handed over to us. The order form lists booking details, as well as our address and account details. The customer enters their contact and payment details in the order form and agrees to the general terms and conditions and the cancellation policy. Any errors and input errors can be identified and corrected at any time before the contract is submitted (Art. 246c No. 3 EGBGB).